Patients can self-refer and do not need a referral to see a psychologist. Under the Better Access Scheme eligible patients referred by a General Practitioner under a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) and can receive up 10 sessions per calendar year that receive rebates from Medicare. Patients with private health insurance may also receive a rebate from their insurer if they do not claim a rebate from Medicare.

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) recommends a fee of $280 per session.
The fee at this JLS Psychology is $240 per 50 minute session. With a current MHCP you will currently be rebated $96.25 through Medicare, the out of pocket amount is $143.75. Once you have reached your Medicare Safety Net you will be rebated 80% of the full fee.

Clients who are eligible to access psychological services through Workcover/Worksafe, TAC, DVA, NDIS (planned & self-managed only) and a number of other agencies have their fees covered through these agencies providing that any required approvals for services and payment arrangements have been approved by these agencies prior to their appointment.

If you have any queries regarding fees and rebates please contact JLS Psychology Servicew Ph: 0439 023 335.


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